Recovery Center
At Movement Art Jiu-Jitsu, we know that recovery is just as important as training. That’s why we go beyond the typical gym experience and offer dedicated recovery tools to help you heal, recharge, and refocus both physically and mentally. We offer an on-site sauna and a variety of foam rollers, massage guns and other implements to help keep your body recovered and injury-free. We also understand that recovery is not just a physical thing but a mental one as well. That’s why we’ve added areas to our gym specifically designed to give you that much needed mental break. Relax yourself in one of our cushioned chairs or couches while enjoying your favorite book and some of our healthy refreshments. One of the pillars of our organization is community and we encourage you to use this space to get to know the other members of our community. Take a seat and share a coffee with one of your training partners while enjoying a friendly game of chess or any of our other various games. Or just sit back with a seltzer water and talk about your day. However you choose to relax and recover, we’re here for you!
Don’t take our word for it. Check out the gallery below or come see for yourself!

Curious about how else we stay injury free? Click Here to learn all about our strength and conditioning area!